Innovative insulation systems

Izo­la­cje Ter­micz­ne is a com­pa­ny that spe­cia­li­zes in ther­mal and aco­ustic insu­la­tions. The main objec­ti­ve of the com­pa­ny is pro­du­cing inno­va­ti­ve iso­la­tion sys­tems — Ther­mal insu­la­tion covers

Ther­mal insu­la­tion covers — lastic mul­ti­ple use insu­la­tion cra­fted from tech­ni­cal fabric is a sim­ple and prac­ti­cal solution.

Ther­mal insu­la­tion covers are made

In almost eve­ry com­pa­ny the­re are plen­ty of loca­tions whe­re heat easi­ly goes to waste. Fin­ding tho­se pla­ces and secu­ring them with a fit­ting insu­la­tion brings finan­cial and eco­lo­gi­cal incen­ti­ves (lower warmth los­ses impro­ve ener­ge­tic effi­cien­cy by dimi­ni­shing fuel con­sump­tion and limi­ting the emis­sion of waste into the atmosphere).

Cho­osing our insu­la­tions for pro­jects means that your com­pa­ny can get a whi­te cer­ti­fi­ca­te which is addi­tio­nal finan­cial bonus.

We provide you with a complete service

  • Measurment


  • Design


  • Production


  • Installation


We prepare projects based on materials provided by our clients (pictures, drafts, drawings). We conduct the heat loss analysis that allows us to determine the payback period.

Insulation products

  • Thermal insulation covers

    made of inorganic thermoproof wool that is wrapped in high quality technological fabric. All elements are sewn together with thermoproof threads. Those materials make the covers suitable for temperatures from - 40 °C to 1200 °C.

  • Fabrics

    we use glass fibre that is non-flammable and resists chemicals, mould, steam, corrosion by water, high temperatures. Most of fabrics are additionally coated with protective cover made of silicon, Teflon, vermiculite and other materials.

  • Filling

    important component – we use high-quality materials (felt and mats made of mineral, stone and ceramic wool) to fit the needs of our client and work conditions.

  • Clamp techniques

    covers equipped with various strings, burs, hooks and clasps that enable easy and quick assembly and dismantling.

Produkty izolacyjne

Advantages of thermal insulation covers

The result of professionally made thermal insulation is quick payback period.

  • Protection of the environment

    • Diminished fuel consumption and limited emission of waste into the atmosphere,
    • Multiply usage eliminates the need to utilize the waste material that stays behind after repairs.
  • Improvement of OSH

    • Good fire safety protection, used materials are non-flammable,
    • Apparent improvement of working conditions – lack of dust and fibres,
    • Protection of workers against scalding,
    • Noise reduction.
  • Exploitation benefits

    • Easy and clean dismantling and assembling by company’s Staff members without any need to cater for special training, the insulation will stay intact,
    • Simple and fast access to the spots that need to be frequently repaired or needed for inspection,
    • High flexibility and lighweight let the insulation be done in areas where other systems cannot be done,
    • High durability of the installation.
  • Financial benefits

    • Saving energy - lower costs of production,
    • The possibility to multiple use lowers the expenses of service and reprocessing,
    • Shortening of delays caused by inspections and repairs,
    • Fast payback period.

Check how much you can save

Oszczędność 1 Oszczędność 2

Below is a table that presents exemplary computation of fuel saving with use of thermal insulation covers for one year

Examplary computation of fuel saving per year - with water as a transmitter

Temperature 130ºC Heat losings [W] Fuel savings Dimished emission Coal savings Dimished emission
Uninsulated Insulate
Valve DN50 515 40 535 805 815 1210
Valve DN100 690 60 685 1070 1040 1605
Valve DN150 870 85 885 1330 1345 2000
Valve DN200 1035 105 1050 1580 1595 2370

Examplary computation of fuel saving per year - with steam as a transmitter

Temperature 130ºC Heat losings [W] Fuel savings Dimished emission Coal savings Dimished emission
Uninsulated Insulate
Valve DN50 505 55 505 785 770 1180
Valve DN100 745 85 750 1125 1138 1690
Valve DN150 960 110 960 1440 1455 2165
Valve DN200 1155 140 1150 1725 1745 2590

Calculations are based on 8 760 working hours. It is the starting point to determine savings.

Our counterparty

Our experience and succesful co-operations allows us to enjoy satisfied customers

Contact us

Izolacje Termiczne

ul. Parkowa 53

PL 47-220 Kędzierzyn-Koźle